Feb 27, 2014

Maha Śiva-ratri

Happy Maha Śiva-ratri!

 Shivaratri is a traditional spiritual holiday on which aspirants and adepts from all over the world dedicate their time and energy to intensive sadhana.

It is said in the scriptures that Lord Shiva, the One and Only Godhead in Tantric lore, is very satisfied if his devotees perform austerities or more intense sadhanas on this day.

Maha Śiva-ratri is the night when Shakti and Siva become One.

 Even the right path Vaiṣṇava ācāryas (who in principle worship Krishna/Vishnu, not Shiva) recommend the observance of Śiva-ratri.

 The following is an excerpt from Śiva-tattva published by Gaudiya Vedanta Publications:
We honor Lord Śiva as a great Vaiṣṇava and as guru. We do not worship him separately. We observe Śiva-ratri, Lord Śiva’s appearance day, and we glorify him in connection to his relationship with Śrī Kṛṣṇa. Śrīla Sanātana Gosvāmī has written in his Hari-bhakti-vilāsa that all Vaiṣṇavas should observe Śiva-caturdaśī (Śiva-ratri). Lord Śiva, in whom all good qualities reside, should certainly be honored by the observance of this day.
We offer obeisance to Lord Śiva with prayers like this:
vṛndāvanāvani-pate! jaya soma soma-maule
gopīśvara! vraja-vilāsi-yugāṅghri-padme
prema prayaccha nirupādhi namo namas te
Saṅkalpa-kalpadruma, 103
“O Gatekeeper of Vṛndāvana! O Soma, all glories to you! O you whose forehead is decorated with the moon, and who is worshipable by the sages headed by Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanātana and Nārada! O Gopīśvara! Desiring that you bestow upon me prema for the lotus feet of Śrī Śrī Rādhā-Mādhava, who perform joyous pastimes in Vraja-dhāma, I offer obeisances unto you time and again.” 

 I wish you all happy and productive this year Maha Śiva-ratri!

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