It takes you from the outside of Sri Yantra (seen there on the left hand side) into Her inner Reality and if you listen to it on daily bases, with surrender and willingness to advance, change - it may even grant you much more.
"It fulfills all wishes, more than you desire, instantly.
Therein lies its power.
Regular practice protects you, nourishes you and takes you beyond."
- Sri Amritananda
Below I also include open translation of the sacred names and mantras.
May Sri Sri Tripura Sundari Devi guide, bless and protect you, always.
Om Aim Hrim Srim Aim Klim Souh - OM (in the name of God), may you grant us benediction of knowledge, power and grace.
Om Namah Tripura Sundari
Hridayadevi - Compassionate heart
Sirodevi - princely diadem
Sikhadevi - Long flowing hair
Kavacha Devi - protective hands
Netra Devi - graceful look
Astra Devi - protective weapons
Kameswari - Controller of lust
Bhagamalini - Garland of Suns
Nityaklinne - Oozing wet
Bherunde - Terrific
Vahnivasini - Residing in fire
Mahavajreswari - Jewel in lotus
Sivaduti - Llarbinger of joy
Twarite - Speed
Kulasundari - beautiful lotus on a lake
Nitya - Eternal
Nilapatake - Blue flag with red tip
Vijaye - Dominat
Sarvamangale - All auspicious
Jvalamalini - Flames
Chitre - Kaleidoscope
Mahanitye - Eternal Truth
Paramesvara - Goddess of God
Parameswari - Friendly
Mitresamayi - Sexy
Sasthisamayi - Erect
Uddisamayi - Stroking
Charyanathamayi – Happiness
Below given are the Names of the Saints who have worshiped the Divine Mother and thus attained liberation.
Lopamudramayi - Lopamudra - She offered herself for worship
Agastyamayi - Agastya - he drank the water of the oceans, drying them up
Kalatapanamayi - Kalatana - he set time on fire
Dharmacharyamayi - Dharmacharya - he preached the nature of good and evil
Muktakesisvaramayi - Muktakaleisvara - not worrying about his appearace he let the hair flow loose
Dipakalanathamayi - Depakalanada - he gazed on eternal light
Visnudevamayi - Vishnudeva - he expanded himself, took up the whole of space
Prabhakara devamayi - Prabhaharadeva - he became a star called the sun
Tejodevamayi - Tejodeva - he became the light witch was speeding over all space creating space itself
Manojadevamayi - Manojadeva - he was desire
Kalyanadevamayi - Kalyanadeva - he was ever auspicious
Vasudevamayi - Vasudeva - the world grew out of his memory
Ratnadevamayi - Ratnadeva - concentrated like jewels
Sri Ramanandamayi - Sri Ramananda - he enjoyed the Goddess Sri Rama Blissfully
1. Following are the Gods of the nine enclosures of Sri Chakra / the first enclosure.
Anima Siddhe, Laghima Siddhe, Garima Siddhe, Mahima Siddhe, Isitva Siddhe, Vasitva Siddhe, Prakamya Siddhe, Bhukti Siddhe, Iccha Siddhe, Prapti Siddhe, Sarvakama Siddhe, Brahmi, Mahesvari, Koumari, Vaisnavi, Varahi, Mahendri, Chamunde, Mahalaksmi, Sarva Samksobhini, Sarva Vidravini, Sarva karsini, Sarva Vasamkari, Sarvonmadini, Sarva Mahankuse, Sarva Khecari, Sarva Bije, Sarva Yone, Sarva Trikhande. Trilokya mohana chakra swamini Prakata yogini
The passions called : lust, anger, possessiveness, obsession, pride, jealousy, good, and evil. The procedure to control these passions and obtain the powers of: agitating all(Negativities), liquefying all (orgasmic ally), attracting all, controlling all, maddening all, directing all, moving in all space, be the information of all, be the source of all (womb), be tri-fold division of all (the known, the knowing, and the will know). The wheel of the three worlds of waking, dreaming and sleeping, expressing Herself openly without inhibitions.
2. Below are the sixteen attractive powers identified with the sixteen days of the lunar calendar:
According to the Hindu art of love, the erotic zone moves up from feet to head in the bright half of the lunar month and comes down to the dark half of the lunar month; the expression of the love through the various power of the mind described bellow: - the Gods of the second enclosure.
Kamakarshini - Attractive powers of lust
Buddhyakarshini - Attractive powers of discrimination
Ahamkarakarshini - Attractive powers of ego
Sabdhakarshini - Attractive powers of sound
Sparsakarshini - Attractive powers of touch
Rupakarhsini - Attractive powers of form
Rasakarshini - Attractive powers of taste
Gandhakarshini - Attractive powers of odor
Chittakarshini - Attractive powers of mind
Dharyakarshini - Attractive powers of valor
Smrityikarshini - Attractive powers of memory
Namakarshini - Attractive powers of name
Bijakarshini - Attractive powers of semen
Atmakarshini - Attractive powers of self
Amrtakarshini - Attractive powers of immortality
Sarirakarshini - Attractive powers of morality
Sarvasa paripuraka chakra swamini Gupta Yogini - The wheel which fulfills all directions and all desires, the secret Yogini.
3. Following are the eight forms of erotic sentiments: - the third enclosure.
Ananga Kusume - The sentiment of flowering
Ananga Mekhale - The sentiment of girdling
Ananga Madane - The sentiment of love
Ananga Madananture - The sentiment of lust
Ananga Redhe - The sentiment of outlining
Ananga Vegini - The sentiment of the desire of sex
Ananga Kusume - The sentiment of the insistence on sex
Ananga Malini - The sentiment of orgy
Sarva sanksoghana sadhaka chakra swamini Gupta tara Yogini - The wheel that agitates everyone, the esoteric yogini.
4. Follow the descriptions of the fourteen worlds of the fourth enclosure.
Sarva Samksobhini - Agitating all
Sarva Vidravini - Liquefying all
Sarva Karshini - Attracting all
Sarva Hladini - Pleasing all
Sarva Sammohini - Deluding all
Sarva Stambhini - Obstructing all
Sarva Jrumbhini - Expanding all
Sarva Vasamkari - Controlling all
Sarva Ranjani - Enjoying all
Sarvonmadini - Maddening all
Sarvarthasadhini - all prosperous
Sarva Sampattipurani - All full filling riches
Sarva Mantra Mayi - All mantras
Sarva Dvandva Ksayamkari - Eliminating all dualities
Sarva Soubhagya Dayaka Cakra Swamini
Sampradaya Yogini - The wheel of all kinds of union, traditional Yogini.
5. Follow the Gods of the fifth Chakra.
Sarva Siddhiprade - Giver of all achievements
Sarva Sampatprade - Giver of all wealth
Sarva Priyamkari - Giver of all that one like to have
Sarva Mangalakarini - Harbinger of all auspiciousness
Sarva Kamaprade - Fulfiller of all desires
Sarva Duhkha Vimochani - Eliminator of all misery
Sarva Mrityu Prasamani - Eliminator of all accidental deaths
Sarva Vighna Nivarini - Eliminator of all obstacles
Sarvanga Sundari - Beautiful in every part of Her body
Sarva Soubhagya Dayini Sarvartha Sadhaka Chakra Swamini Kulottirna Yogini - The wheel which turns you on to the right path, gives you all wealth, full fills all desirers, and makes liberation possible, the Yogini that has graduated out if all classifications.
6. Follow the Gods of the sixth Enclosure.
Sarvaghne - Omniscient
Sarva Sakte - Omnipotent
Sarvaisvarya pradayini - Omni expressive
Sarva Jnanamayi - Providing the bliss of omniscience
Sarva Vyadhivinasini - Eliminating all maladies
Sarvadharasvarupe - The support of all
Sarva Papahare - The eliminator of notions of all sins.
Sarva Anandamayi - All happiness
Sarva Raksa Swaroopini - All protecting
Sarvepsita Phalaprade - Provider of all desired fruits (Boons).
Sarva Raksakara Chakra Swamini, Nigarbha Yogini - The wheel of all protection, the Yogini protecting the child in the womb.
7. Following are the eight forms of Saraswati, Goddess of knowledge, Gods of the seventh Enclosure:
Vasini - Existing
Kameshwari - Expression
Modini - Pleasure
Vimale - Pure
Arune - Passion
Jayini - Victory
Sarvesvari - Owner
Kaulini - Enjoying all
Sarvarogahara Chakra Swamini Rahasya Yogini - The wheel which eliminates disease, the secret Yogini.
8. Follow are the powerful weapons of the Divine Mother
Baanini - The five flowered arrows of Manmatha (God of love, Kaamdev) representing the five senses of sound (music), touch (feel ), form (beauty), taste (sweetness), smell (fragrance).
Chapini - The sugar cane bow (the mind which likes sweet things of life).
Pasini - The attractive power of love.
Ankusini - The repulsive power to controling evil.
Maha Kameshwari - The thrust of God expressing the desire to see Himself in many forms
Maha Vajreshwari - The ability to obtain the cosmos in seed form
Maha Bhagamalini - The ability to express the cosmos out of the seed
Sarva Siddhiprada Chakra Swamini Ati Rahasya Yogini - The wheel of realizations, the most secret Yogini.
9.1 Follow is the central hub of the wheel of Sri Devi, the Supreme Goddess: - in ninth enclosure.
Sri Sri Maha Bhattarike, Sarvananda Maya Chakra Swamini
Paratpara Rahasya Yogini - The Goddess Sri Devi is present in the whole cosmos. The wheel of all bliss, the transcendental secret Yogini.
9.2 Follow are the nine Goddesses controlling the nine wheels above.
Tripure - Three states of Waking, Dreaming and Sleeping.
Tripureshi - The controller of these three states
Tripurasundari - The beautiful one among all these three states
Tripura Vasini - The one who lives in all these three states
Tripura Sriyah - The riches of all these three states
Tripuramalini - The sequences of all these states experienced by all people
Tripura Siddhe - The achievements possible in all these three states
Tripurambe - The experience of the cosmos in Her three states unifying all the experiences of all life
Maha Maheswari - The great cosmic controller
Maha Maha Raghni - The great cosmic empress
Maha Maha Shakte - The great cosmic power
Maha Maha Gupte - The great cosmic secret
Maha Maha Jnapte - The great cosmic memory
Maha Mahannande - The great cosmic bliss
Maha Maha Skandhe - The great cosmic support
Maha Mahasaye - The great cosmic expression
Maha Maha Sri Chakra Nagara Samraghni - The great transcendental conscious empress of the wheel of Sri Chakra.
Namaste Namaste Namaste Namah - We bow to You, we bow to You, We bow to You in the three states of waking, dreaming, and sleeping states O Divine Mother!
Reference from: www.songsnmnp.blogspot.com, www.srividya.org, www.mantra.lilasakura.com
Nice, but this doesn't seem to have anything to do with Kali. Am I missing something.
"Ananga Malini - The sentiment of orgy"---hello, is this a deity?
Anon, thank you for your comment.
Well, Sri Lalia or Tripura Sundari Devi, the Goddess of the Stotram above, is a form of Kali Ma or vice versa.
There is one Shakti, Adya Shakti who manifested as 10 Mahavidyas, Kali Ma and Lalita included.
Om klim kali
Dear "Kali Tantra" !
It's Michael, we talked (wrote) some time ago...
maybe you do remember me....
Do not forget that Sri Lalitha Tripursundari
is also called the "Red Goddess", so do especially red coloured offerings.
One of the best things to offer
is "Kesar" (Saffron). It is expensive, but your wishes
get fulfilled very fast. Especially things connected
with "Space". F.e if you want to receive and/or send
a parcel or letter extremely fast, or to suddenly
get a "membership-rabate" in a shop, you visit for the
very first time.....e.t.c
I have only done it with smaller wishes till now, but
i am very sure that it works also with bigger things.
Thank you very much for your precious time !
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