Feb 27, 2014

Maha Śiva-ratri

Happy Maha Śiva-ratri!

 Shivaratri is a traditional spiritual holiday on which aspirants and adepts from all over the world dedicate their time and energy to intensive sadhana.

It is said in the scriptures that Lord Shiva, the One and Only Godhead in Tantric lore, is very satisfied if his devotees perform austerities or more intense sadhanas on this day.

Maha Śiva-ratri is the night when Shakti and Siva become One.

 Even the right path Vaiṣṇava ācāryas (who in principle worship Krishna/Vishnu, not Shiva) recommend the observance of Śiva-ratri.

 The following is an excerpt from Śiva-tattva published by Gaudiya Vedanta Publications:
We honor Lord Śiva as a great Vaiṣṇava and as guru. We do not worship him separately. We observe Śiva-ratri, Lord Śiva’s appearance day, and we glorify him in connection to his relationship with Śrī Kṛṣṇa. Śrīla Sanātana Gosvāmī has written in his Hari-bhakti-vilāsa that all Vaiṣṇavas should observe Śiva-caturdaśī (Śiva-ratri). Lord Śiva, in whom all good qualities reside, should certainly be honored by the observance of this day.
We offer obeisance to Lord Śiva with prayers like this:
vṛndāvanāvani-pate! jaya soma soma-maule
gopīśvara! vraja-vilāsi-yugāṅghri-padme
prema prayaccha nirupādhi namo namas te
Saṅkalpa-kalpadruma, 103
“O Gatekeeper of Vṛndāvana! O Soma, all glories to you! O you whose forehead is decorated with the moon, and who is worshipable by the sages headed by Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanātana and Nārada! O Gopīśvara! Desiring that you bestow upon me prema for the lotus feet of Śrī Śrī Rādhā-Mādhava, who perform joyous pastimes in Vraja-dhāma, I offer obeisances unto you time and again.” 

 I wish you all happy and productive this year Maha Śiva-ratri!

Feb 23, 2014

Sadashiva avatara

My Gurudev, manifestation of Sadashiva, an immortal Spiritual Master, seldom serving publicly.
A very rare footage.

Feb 22, 2014

Mahavatar Babaji

There are various manifestations of the great being, the Sadashiva avatara - manifestation of Krisna, commonly known as Mahavatar Babaji.

  • Sri Sankaracarya, the famous saint, was taught by Him, Ageless yogi - Maha Muni Babaji. 
  • Lahiri Mahasaya, great Kriya Yoga master, referred to Him as Krishna.
  • Sri Sitaram Omkarnathji has seen Him as Sri Krsna. 
  • Mahendra Baba stated Sri Krishna has appeared in the form of Sri Babaji.
  • Mentioned in the Puranas and other scriptures, he is known as Guru Gorakhnath. 
  • The Nath Sampradaya, among many others, revere him as Shiva Goraksha.

Sri Babaji does not give much attention to such classifications, He appears just a mere human being to most people.
But in Truth, to Him whole world and entire mankind is within His heart:
"If you are happy, I am happy. If you have a problem, I have a problem...".

Haidakhan Baba is one of His manifestations; He was teaching publicly from 1970 to 1984, mostly Karma and Mantra yoga.

I bow down to my Gurudev: 

Feb 13, 2014


Mahavidyas (Great Wisdoms) or Dasa-Mahavidyas are a group of ten aspects of the Divine Mother Parvati or Kali herself or Devi in Vedic culture.

This is the first Blog post on the topic of the ten great Tantric Goddesses. I will share details on each of them and experiences with some of them.

The ten Mahavidyas are Wisdom Goddesses, who represent a spectrum of feminine divinity, from horrific goddesses at one end, to the gentle at the other, according to David Kinsley *

The name Mahavidyas comes from the Sanskrit roots, with maha meaning 'great' and vidya meaning, 'revelation, manifestation, knowledge, or wisdom.

Each of these Goddesses represents one aspect of Absolute reality and are not mere elemental spirits. Not that there is anything wrong with elemental or material spirits (i.e. Paimon, Dantalion, Astaroth etc.), it is just that they are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay beyond the reach of even the One King of elemental spirits.

Each of these Goddesses IS able to bestow upon us everything and anything we may need on our mundane or spiritual path.

Mahavidyas are:
  • Kali, 
  • Tara, 
  • Shodashi or Tripura Sundari, 
  • Bhuvaneshvari, 
  • Bhairavi, 
  • Chhinnamasta, 
  • Dhumavati, 
  • Bagalamukhi, 
  • Matangi and
  • Kamala or Kamalatmika.

They are not mere Demi-Goddesses but are so called Maha Vidyas (direct translation being 'great wisdoms') which means they can bless you even with liberation itself, for that is what vidya actually means: true and lasting attainment of empirical knowledge that results in moksha or liberation from suffering, once and for all.

My Mother Kali has guided me through sadhana for some of the Mahavidyas; they are all but aspects of Her, the One and Only Feminine Deity, Mahakali.

* Kinsley, David R (1987). Hindu Goddesses: Vision of the Divine Feminine in the Hindu Religious Tradition

Aghori Sadhu: Living with the dead

A rare filming of a true Aghori, Ramnath. 
His story is provoking and enlightening.

Feb 10, 2014

Book: Aghora III: The Law of Karma

"This trilogy forms a portion of the story of the Aghori Vimalananda. An aghori is a practitioner of Aghora, the spiritual discipline that takes Tantra to its farthest limits.

Aghora III: The Law of Karma - A karma is any action you perform while identifying yourself as the performer of that action. In this, the third and final volume of the Aghora trilogy, the Aghori Vimalananda uses the backdrop of the Bombay racecourse as a potent metaphor for the ultimate game of life, where destinies and fortunes are forged or lost at the edge of the finishing line. Weaving characters together with events, Vimalananda masterfully entwines the colorful external reality of racing with the subtle internal reality of creative spirituality, against a backdrop of stories of the gods and goddesses, saints and sinners, and the Mughal Emperor Akbar. 

Carefully teasing apart the infinite tracks of destiny as they flash past the viewer in the grandstands, Vimalananda shows how intricate are the patterns that karma creates, and how profound and philosophical are the truths that a subtle understanding of karma can reveal."

Full description of a book by Dr. Robert E. Svoboda:

Purchase AGHORA III: The Law of Karma >>


Book: Aghora II: Kundalini

"This trilogy forms a portion of the story of the Aghori Vimalananda. An aghori is a practitioner of Aghora, the spiritual discipline that takes Tantra to its farthest limits. 

Aghora II: Kundalini
This, the second volume in the Aghora series, focuses on Kundalini, the transformative power of the enlightened self. Kundalini, the root from which all spiritual experiences sprout, has remained secret for so long because it cannot be explained, only experienced. 

This book recounts how Vimalananda introduced me to Kundalini, and took me step by step through the practices used to awaken Her. It examines mantras, yantras, tantric practices, and shows how normally mundane things like music, food, and even the noise of trains rumbling down tracks can be turned to one's spiritual benefit. For Vimalananda Kundalini was not some sort of impersonal serpent energy, but rather took the form of his beloved deity Smashan Tara, the "Saviouress of the Cemetery."

He trusted Kundalini implicitly, and She never let him down."

Full description of a book by Dr. Robert E. Svoboda:

Purchase AGHORA II: Kundalini >>

Book: At the left hand of God

"This trilogy forms a portion of the story of the Aghori Vimalananda. 

An aghori is a practitioner of Aghora, the spiritual discipline that takes Tantra to its farthest limits. For Vimalananda Aghora was a wholly internal process that eliminates all commonly-accepted restricitions to the human faculties of perception. 

He defined an Aghori in this way: "An Aghori is beyond the bounds of the earthly shackles; nay, something above the elements which shape the universe, and you. He takes a sort of intoxicant and thus gets intoxicated in Supreme Love which emanates from the innermost recesses of his heart. Shall I call it interiority? It is that part which is beyond awareness. He gives off the best part of love. Why part? 

Part of the Supreme, Universal Love, where one experiences, with the help of perception, All-in-One/One-in-All. When you, the finite, merge into infinity what dost thou not know? During this stage he merges with his own deity so that he becomes Him -- capital H. That is why he is said to have gone from darkness to divine enlightenment. This is an Aghori."

Aghora: At the Left Hand of God is the first book in the Aghora trilogy. Written almost entirely in Vimalananda's own words, it presents events from his life, tenets of his philosophy, and highlights from his spiritual practices. 

Designed partly to shock and partly to comfort, but wholly as an offering to his Beloved, Aghora is as clear a picture as possible of a man who was a riddle wrapped up in an enigma. Vimalananda insisted that this book be published only after his demise, that he might be spared pursuit by those whose curiosity might be inflamed by some of the sensational events described within. 

He believed in devoting his all to the pursuit of the direct perception of Reality, and advised others to be similarly dedicated to attaining personal experience of God. To readers he offered this warning: "Don't take anything I say as gospel truth. I am human, I make mistakes. Test on yourselves what I've told you. Try it out, experience it, and then you will know whether or not I'm telling you the truth."

Full description of a book:

Purchase AGHORA I: At the Left Hand of God >>

When Kali comes to call

I share here a text written by Robert E. Svoboda, a student of Aghori Tantra on the topic of his relationship with Mother Kali:

"A curious Kali surveys me as I write these words. She reached me recently, unbidden, a gift from a friend whose friend was ordered by his guru to divest himself of all his icons. The sticker beneath Her crimson feet proudly proclaims that She was "hand moulded and fired in India from Ganges River clay." Those transfiguring hands adeptly crowned and braceleted Her with gold, costuming Her chastely in a golden skirt spangled with red devices, bosoms secured behind a modest bodice.

But no human hand can housebreak Kali entirely. Out from that tame blouse surge four black arms, two of which grip a sharp cutlass and a severed human head. A garland of heads festoons Her neck, a wide-awake third eye gazes from Her forehead. Her boldly lolling sanguine-hued tongue testifies most eloquently to a wild nature that knows no regulation but its own.

Whatever Her unfathomable purpose, it seems now to please Kali to materialize Herself in the West. Yet to be resolved is how well Her hosts here will realize Whom it is that has descended upon them as their guest. It is easy in the modern world to mistake the external image for its internal substance, particularly when that image is exotic and power-laden, for devis (goddesses) do not appear in the average Westerner's lexicon. A Calcutta woman once told a Canadian visitor, "Devi is the Sanskrit root of your English word divine, and you still use it today for the closest thing to goddesses your culture can bear to recognize - divas."[1]"

Whole text can be found here:

Feb 5, 2014

Aghori Tantra

Aghori Tantra, the extreme Tantric path to Enlightenment is almost unknown to most people in the West. National Geographic team, however, has recorded a unique short documentary film introducing the basic principles of Aghoris to the public.

You may not want to watch this; but the truth be told, this is the Left Hand Path at its most extreme and efficient practices.
Comments are welcome. :)

Film is quite long, no need to watch it from the start; the Aghori film starts at 32 minute.

You can also watch only the 15 minutes of the Aghori film, online here:

National Geographic - Taboo: After Death - Video about Aghoris Shared at Dailymotion >>

Feb 4, 2014


They say that there is only one true and eternal Sprirtual Master for each individual.

It is written that there is no hope for spiritual seekers without mercy of a true and correctly enlightened Spiritual Master. His or Her guidance is of paramount importance.

My Spiritual Master is Sriman Munindra.

He is a caring teacher, attentive friend, perfect shoulder to cry on, completely dedicated individual, sharp and yet loving father and/or mother.

Master of all mankind and teacher of all major teachers on this plane, God's Will personified and humility incarnate,  immortal and forever young friend of all living beings.

He is omnipresent and omniscient, always and forever willing to assist everyone.
In one sentence:
"...in Him we live and move and have our being...", St. Paul. 

Paramhansa Yogananda referred to Him as Babaji Krishna (Krishna is Adi Purusha, according to Vedanta).

Sri Sankaracarya, the famous saint, was taught by Him, Ageless yogi - Maha Muni Babaji.

Lahiri Mahasaya, great Kriya Yoga master, referred to Him as Krishna.

Sri Sitaram Omkarnathji has seen Him as Sri Krsna. Mahendra Baba stated Sri Krishna has appeared in the form of Sri Babaji.

Mentioned in the Puranas and other scriptures, he is known as Guru Gorakhnath. The Nath Sampradaya, among many others, revere him as Shiva Goraksha.

By His mercy, some disciples recognize Him as Sadasiva Avatar.

Om Sri Gurudevaya Babaji namaste!

Book: Kali Kaula

Kali Kaula book
I sincerely recommend this book to all who are interested in Tantra, history behind the Tantric practices and especially in Kali worship.

"Kali Kaula is a practical and experiential journey through the land of living magical art that is Tantra, guided by the incisive, inspired and multi-talented hands of Jan Fries. 

By stripping away the fantasies and exploring the roots, flowers and fruits of Tantra, the author provides an outstandingly effective and coherent manual of practices. Acknowledging the huge diversity of Tantric material produced over the centuries, Jan Fries draws on several decades of research and experience and focuses on the early traditions of Kula, Kaula and Krama, and the result is this inimitable work which shines with the light of possibility. 

 Unique in style and content, this book is more than a manual of tantric magick, it is a guide to the exploration of the inner soul. It contains the most lucid discussions of how to achieve liberation in the company of numerous Indian goddesses and gods, each of whom brings their own lessons and gifts to the dedicated seeker. It is also an eloquent introduction to the mysteries of the great goddess Kali, providing numerous views of her manifold nature, and showing the immense but hidden role played throughout history by women in the development and dissemination of tantric practices and beliefs. 

Jan Fries explores the spectrum of techniques from mudra to mantra, pranayama to puja, from kundalini arousal to purification to sexual rites, and makes them both accessible and relevant, translating them out of the Twilight Language of old texts and setting them in the context of both personal transformation and the historical evolution of traditions. The web of connections between Tantra and Chinese Alchemy and Taoism are explored as the author weaves together many of the previously disparate strands of philosophies and practices. This book challenges the reader to dream, delight, and develop, and provides an illustrated guidebook on how to do so. Bliss awaits those who dare."
- from Amazon.com introduction

Kali Kali, Mahakali

At the dissolution of things, it is Kāla [Time] Who will devour all, and by reason of this He is called Mahākāla [an epithet of Lord Shiva], and since Thou devourest Mahākāla Himself, it is Thou who art the Supreme Primordial Kālika. 
Because Thou devourest Kāla, Thou art Kāli, the original form of all things, and because Thou art the Origin of and devourest all things Thou art called the Adya [the Primordial One].

Re-assuming after Dissolution Thine own form, dark and formless, Thou alone remainest as One ineffable and inconceivable. Though having a form, yet art Thou formless; though Thyself without beginning, multiform by the power of Maya, Thou art the Beginning of all, Creatrix, Protectress, and Destructress that Thou art.

- Mahanirvana-tantra

Mahakali, literally translated as Great Kali, is sometimes considered as a greater form of Kali, identified with the Ultimate reality of Brahman, the Absolute Reality Itself. It can also be used as an honorific of the Goddess Kali, signifying her greatness by the prefix "Mahā-". Mahakali, in Sanskrit, is etymologically the feminized variant of Mahakala or Great Time (which is interpreted also as Death), an epithet of the God Shiva in Hinduism.

Mahakali is the presiding Goddess of the first episode of the Devi Mahatmya. Here she is depicted as Devi in her universal form as Shakti. Here Devi serves as the agent who allows the cosmic order to be restored.

Kali is depicted in the Mahakali form as having ten heads, ten arms, and ten legs. Each of her ten hands is carrying a various implement which vary in different accounts, but each of these represent the power of one of the Devas or Hindu Gods and are often the identifying weapon or ritual item of a given Deva.

The implication is that Mahakali subsumes and is responsible for the powers that these deities possess and this is in line with the interpretation that Mahakali is identical with Brahman. While not displaying ten heads, an "ekamukhi" or one headed image may be displayed with ten arms, signifying the same concept: the powers of the various Gods come only through Her grace.

Who is Aghori?

On these pages you will oftentimes encounter words like Aghori and Aghora. In the past, I was avid practitioner of the sublime and extreme Tantra path called Aghora. Rituals I have performed back then still yield the results and the blood of the Aghoris still flows through my veins.

"Ghora is darkness, the darkness of ignorance. Aghora means light, the absence of darkness. Under the Tree of Knowledge is an Aghori, a follower of the path of Aghora. He has gone beyond ignorance thanks to the flame of Knowledge which billows from the funeral pyre.
The funeral pyre is the ultimate reality, a continual reminder that everyone has to die. Knowledge of the ultimate reality of death taken the Aghori beyond the Eight Snares of Existence: Lust, anger, greed, delusion, envy, shame, disgust and fear which bind all beings.
The Aghori plays with a human skull, astonished by the uselessness of limited existence, knowing the whole world to be within him though he is not in the world. His spiritual practices have awakened within him the power of kundalini, which takes the form of goddess dancing on the funeral pyre: Samshan Tara. He is bewildered to think that all is within him, not external to him; that he sees it not with the physical eyes but with the sense of perception.
The flame of knowledge is that which preserves life, the eternal flame, the supreme ego, the motherhood of god which creates the whole Maya of the universe and thanks only to whose grace the Aghori has become immortal..."
- from FB community Aghora - the real path to immortality )

Check also this Blog post: